I write my books on my phone, tapping them out on my tiny, little keyboard. I migrate to my laptop only when the book’s ready to send to my editor. Author friends think that's strange, but it means I'm the Martini girl. Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere.
(If you've no idea what I'm talking about, see the clip at the end.)
I first started on a Blackberry. Do you remember those? I thought I'd arrived when I got mine. I must still have that somewhere shoved in a drawer.
Each of my stories has a dedicated notebook where I draw my characters in stick form. They look like something a child would be ashamed to own up to, but it’s a useful visual reminder.
Here are the ones from The Murder Before Merangs.
I start with knowing who the murderer is, and how and why they did it. But that's about it. The rest is as much a surprise to me as I hope it is to the reader.
Ten chapters in, I start summarising in my notebook. Otherwise, It's easy to lose track. Here's the first chapter of Fancy Death At Merangs.
It's hard to say which is worse, my handwriting or my drawing.
Here are some books for you to look at if you're interested.
‘Do-re-mi’, Let's start at the very beginning. Click on the image to start a new series.
And these are ones to bewitch. Again, clickety-click.
P.S. Before I return to my phone, I'm still recruiting ADVANCE READERS for The Murder Away From Merangs. I'd love you to join the team, so please reply to this email.
And if you've read ANY of my books, would you mind leaving a quick review or even just a rating? They matter so much for visibility on Amazon. I'm hoping this is a link to my series, which should make it easier for you. The Merang Mysteries
P.P.S. Here's the clip of the Martini advert. As a child, it seemed the height of sophistication to me. Still does if I'm honest. 😉
Hi Carole
I recall that advert. Sophistication personified, along with Babycham champagne perry (what the heck WAS that?) and Vesta curries.
Love your notebook. You must be doing something right in your descriptions: I recognised Tracy, Donny and (of course) Gloria, dead easy.
Not sure how you manage to type on the phone. Have you tried dictating? (Lots of editing afterwards, granted).
Happy writing.
Leslie :)
Hi Carole,
I can't say that I remember ever seeing that commercial. I don't know how people read on there phone, let alone write on it! You are The Martini Girl! Happy Easter.